Share Best Sandwich Ever- Competition


Let’s make it a Sandwich Competition,

Everyone is a winner,

Free entry, Free Winner,

John Montague, determined to win,

Caught by the gaming -table bug,

Eating slices of Cold Beef placed between slices of Toast,

Who? You know the 4th Earl of Sandwich started it all,

For 24 hours he did it and must have enjoyed it.

Cheers to you too if you enjoy your best Sandwich ever,

You need to share it though,

Automatically YOU ARE A WINNER!

Let’s hear from you.

It’s okay, for traditional sandwich, as well as a Roll, Baguette etc.

What’s mine you ask?

A Baguette drizzled with Olive Oil,

Sun-dried Tomatoes and olive halves,

Layer of Cos lettuce, slices of Tomatoes,

And Cucumber dabbed with little German dressing,

Layer of slices of Barbecue Chicken,

A touch of English Mustard.

Yum! Yummy!

Top of the Elevenses/Brunch #8

Top of the Elevenses/Brunch #8

I am having problems today with publishing this post, so I’m going to copy the title on to Word, paste the completed writing and hope it works.  Be blessed where ever you are and we are thankful

for our food and drink today.

I am having Natural Yogurt with Pumpkin seeds, dried Dates, Wholemeal Pitta bread with Flora and a glass of water.  I am thinking of the many things I need to do, apart from the writing, those I have started and need to be finished, start the autumn cleaning.

Having read a post on Reader ‘Blackout’ by Brendon, he had a Motor Vehicle Accident and do take a look at how he was feeling before and after it happened.  I am happy he is well but should get some rest.  I am sure I speak for all to wish you good health.

I am aware of listening to our intuition, our body and not pushing ourselves over the max when we don’t feel well.

Check if you must, be in control.

What am I obsessed about?

What are you obsessed about?

What are we all obsessed about?

Is it to do with locking the doors?

Is it turning the energy, ie, electric  or gas off?

Is it going over things twice to check for safely?

I bet you are already thinking,

What’s this got to do with obsessive?

Its just that powerful organ called the brain,

Our minds are being overloaded,

With all that we think we ought to worry about.

Don’t worry, be happy.


First Aid Know-how


Crisis, when it happens is an emergency or sends most people if not everyone into a state of emergency with varying degrees.  This depends on the severity of the crisis and our reaction is fight or flight.  These days many people are aware as news reports of so many crisis situations have been filtered down via TV, Internet, Smartphones, Social Media, etc.  I feel it hasn’t made us immune to it rather alert so we can be better at dealing with crisis. When we practise dealing with crisis in our everyday lives in a better way, I believe we can better able to deal with bigger ones.  Of course, frankly we rather not have them little or big crisis. I propose it’s very important that everyone familiarise themselves with Basic First Aid, just as we have First Aid packs or cabinets at home, in the office and other places.


Slowly healing comes

Slowly healing comes,
When it is a wound of the heart,
The tears fall like the well will never run dry,
Awash is the ache with refreshing fountains,
That gives to serenity a chance to rejuvenate.

Slowly healing comes,
When it is a wound of the mind,
The synapses’ lights are dim, then a flicker starts,
Charged with the will to sustain life,
That gives to joy a chance to reaffirm.

Slowly healing comes,
When it is a wound of the body,
The weakness ensues as ‘chemical currency’ ATP cannot be bought,
Intake of nutrients jump-starts cells to energise,
That gives to health a movement towards recuperation.

World Feast Day

Today is World Feast Day

Everyone will eat and not get hungry,

I am told the table will be set before us,

There’s enough to go round,

So do’t be afraid,

I am told farmers have grown enough,

To feed the whole world,

So don’t waste,

Let’s make every day a  celebration.

Make time for frail loved ones

The frail old man looked after his frail old wife,

They lived in a beautiful old house,

They have five very busy children,

And ten very very busy grandchildren,

And twenty very very very busy great grandchildren,

They all love each other very much,

But had less and less time for each other,

Time why did you escape from this family?

Don’t let time escape from your family.

‘Action speaks louder than words.’

Contemplate in time, Act on Visitation.

Helping hands


“Why should you want to embarrass me by screaming, all I want to do is help you? said the tall man to the woman on the floor.

“You pushed me and now you want to help.” said the woman.

“What in heavens name are you talking about” replied the man.

“No one has a kind heart or cares, everyone seems to be just rushing here, rushing there, rushing everywhere” she said angrily.

“Are you hurt, can you move your arms and your legs?” the tall man continued.

In the meantime hoards of the city’s travellers are briskly making their way past, in the rush hour.  Amazingly only few are slowing down to ask if they can help too.  One by one each stopped and gradually they formed a ring around the two people in the centre.

Then a voice was heard saying, “I just phoned the ambulance because she is pregnant.  Look at her”

Everyone looked down at what the man had noticed, like a slow surf making its way to the shore, the amniotic fluid, that certain type of fluid a pregnant looses when her waters break was coming towards them.  Simultaneously they move two steps back as if they had synchronised or rehearsed this action.  But it was too late for the tall man because his shoes were wading in the liquid.

“Oh no! my interview, how can I go like this, my first one in five years, two years of unemployment and three re-training” he exclaimed.

“Arrrgh its coming, someone do something!” the woman cried out.

Very quickly they moved her to a dry area where they had spread their coats.  The tall man took some gloves out of his briefcase and proceeded to deliver the baby.  Just then the Paramedics arrived to find the newborn safely in its mother’s arms and a circle of people clapping for the tall man.

It might not be the right time but he felt he needed to know so he asked her, “Were you screaming at me or were you in pain?

“What do you think” she said and smiled at him

The Paramedics took mother and baby to the hospital.  The tall man got to his interview late, but a You-tube video had preceded him  and his kind actions got him the job as a midwife.

In response to the Daily Prompt- Embarrassing


The Saga of Childbirth

“The UNICEF estimates that an average 353,000 babies are born each day around the world.  The crude birth rate is 18.9 births per 1,000 population or 255 births globally per minute or 4.3  births every second (as of Dec. 2013″ estimate)

Statistics apart and useful as they are, in the hospitals, in the homes, in the cars and on the farms the midwife sees a woman, a person, a human being not numbers giving birth.  Depending on the preparation each woman has had for it, their obstetric history, their health and the support they have from partner, family and friends, their readiness for the experience and the experience itself is different for each and every one  giving birth.

I want you to know that going through labour and giving birth is only part of the saga.  For some women, it’s as easy as A B C and they keep coming back until they have that inner feeling that their family is complete.  For others the pain is nothing like they ever imagined and just the one experience is enough, despite what modern science has to offer in the form of pain relief.

For the multitude in the middle, depending on the Lord who said “Be fruitful and multiply” is vital.  For every difficulty that comes their way a prayer meets it to overcome it.  Being there for them is an honour, to use the skills, knowledge and prayer fulfils the joy we await and receive at the end.